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2007-08-27 14:22:45|  分类: 滑翔学院 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

  下载LOFTER 我的照片书  |
1. There are no good pilots, only old pilots.
没有好鸟, 只有老鸟.
2. The only thing better than getting high, is being low first.
唯一比往高里玩更好的是, 先在低里玩好.
3. I am a talented, skillful and experienced pilot with excellent judgement. I use my experience and judgement to avoid getting into situations where I have to rely on my talent and skill.
我是一个天才的, 技巧娴熟经验丰富的滑翔者且有卓越的判断能力. 我用我的经验和判断力来使尽量自己避免处在一个我不得不要依靠我的天才和技巧的境地.
4. A popular analogy for describing the learning process is to split it into four stages :
      1) Unconscious ignorance (Beginner)
      2) Conscious ignorance (Intermediate)
      3) Conscious knowledge (Advanced)
      4) Unconscious knowledge (Guru)
1) 还不知道自己不知道某些东西 (初学者)
2) 知道自己不知道某些东西 (中级)
3) 知道自己知道某些东西(高级)
4) 不知道自己已经知道某些东西 (大师级)
5. Leonardo Da Vinci : Why fly ? For once you have tested flight, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you long to return.
达芬奇: 为什么飞翔? 一旦你曾飞过, 你再在地上行走时眼光将投向你头上的天空, 因为你曾到过那里, 因为你会向往再回到那里.
(译者注: 总觉得翻译得还不够牛逼.  )
6. Fr. Nietzsche : The higher we rise, the smaller we appear to those who do not know how to fly.
尼采: 我们上升得越高, 我们在那些不懂飞翔的人眼里就显得越遥远.
7. It's always better to be down here wishing you were up there, than to be up there wishing you were down here.
8. Everyone who lives, dies. Yet not everyone who dies, has lived. We take these risks not to escape life, but to prevent life from escaping us.
人皆生, 然后死. 但不是所有的人都好好活过. 我们承受这些滑翔带来的危险不是因为逃避生活, 而是为了不让生活逃避我们.
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